What is SIP step-up?

A step-up sip in mutual fund is essentially a regular SIP with a twist. A step-up SIP refers to an incremental SIP approach where your investment amount increases at fixed intervals, helping your wealth-building strategy evolve along with your income.

How does a step-up SIP investment work?

A step-up SIP with initial investment begins just like a normal SIP – choose your fund, set a start date, and invest a fixed sum. Over time, you schedule a predetermined increment in your investment amount at a set interval. This approach helps utilize the power of compounding more effectively.

Who can avail step-up feature?

Individual Investors, Sole Proprietorship, Minors and HUF can avail step-up feature. Step-up feature is not available for non-individuals.

How to do a step-up SIP investment?
  • Choose a suitable mutual fund
  • Select a fund aligned with your financial goals and risk appetite.
  • Enter your SIP base amount: Begin your step-up sip with initial investment at an amount you’re comfortable with.
  • Select Step Option as ‘Step-up’
  • Enter Step-up amount: Enter the amount you wish to add to your SIP base amount
  • Select Step-up After option as ‘Once’ or ‘Every Defined Instalment’
  • Enter Defined No. of Instalments

Note: At any point of time if the revised SIP amount is greater than the maximum limit of the associated mandate, then the current and future instalments shall continue with previous instalment amount.

How does step-up after ‘Once’ option work?

For option selected as ‘Once’, the SIP amount will be incremented only once after the defined number of instalments and further instalments will continue with the revised/stepped up amount till the SIP tenure.


  • SIP Amount: 1000
  • Step Option: ‘Step-up’
  • Step-up amount: 200
  • Step-up After option as ‘Once’
  • Defined No. of Instalments: 3

In this case, first 3 instalments will be executed with amount 1000 and all further instalments will be executed 1200

How does step-up after ‘Every Defined Inst’ option work?

For option selected as ‘Every Defined Inst’, the SIP amount will be incremented after every defined number of instalments till the SIP tenure.


  • SIP Amount: 1000
  • Step Option: ‘Step-up’
  • Step-up amount: 200
  • Step-up After option as ‘Every Defined Inst.’
  • Defined No. of Instalments: 3

In this case, after every 3 instalments SIP amount will be incremented with 200 i.e. First 3 instalments will be 1000, next 3 instalments will be 1200, next 3 instalments will be 1400 and so on.

Can I avail step-up feature for an existing SIP?

Yes, step-up feature can be availed for an SIP registered on or after 01-Oct-2017.

Can I avail step-up feature for special Product SIP?

No, step-up feature cannot be availed for special product SIP.

Can I use step-up feature multiple times?

No, step-up feature can be used only once.

Can I pause my step-up SIP?

No, step-up SIP cannot be paused.

Can I stop step-up feature and migrate to normal SIP?

No, you cannot stop the step-up feature and migrate to normal SIP. You need to cancel your step-up SIP and register a fresh SIP.

Can I use SIPSaS provision for a stepped-up SIP?

SIPSaS provision will not be available for stepped-up SIPs.

Is step-up feature available for physical SIP transactions?

No, step-up feature is not available for physical SIP transactions.

Can the step amount and frequency be modified?

Modification facility is not available. You may cancel existing step-up SIP and register a fresh one.

When will the step-up feature be effective from?

If the date of setting up Step-up feature is 5 days prior to the upcoming instalment, then revised SIP amount shall be effective as per scenario 1.

If the date of setting up Step-up feature is between 1-5 days prior to the upcoming instalment, then revised SIP amount shall be effective as per scenario 2.

Example Step-up Feature Initiation Date Upcoming SIP instalment Date Step-up After Defined No. of Inst Stepped-up/Revised amount will be effective post no. of instalments
Scenario 1 Before 10 Jan 15 Jan 3 3
Scenario 2 Between 10 Jan – 15 Jan 15 Jan 3 4

*** With a view to improve performance and enhance the high availability of MFU System, it has been decided that transactions older than the previous Financial Year i.e., transaction data prior to 1st April 2022 will be archived on 18th April 2023. * * *  “If you have any dispute against a listed company and or its Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) on delay or default in processing your request, as per SEBI circular dated 30.05.2022, you can file for arbitration with Stock Exchange.” For more details, please see the web links of the stock exchanges: BSE - http://tiny.cc/s1l2vz NSE – http://tiny.cc/s1l2vz * * * Please ensure to validate your Nomination Details registered under CAN. Click here to complete the validation if not already done. * * * Please ensure to verify your Contact Details registered under CAN. Click here to complete the verification if not already done. * * * Check out the Videos about MFU and the features offered. * * * Explore the new and improved Schedule Transactions feature using which you can register a Scheduled Purchase Plan (SPP), Scheduled Redemption Plan (SRP) and Scheduled Switch Plan (SSP) * * * Download the MFU Mobile App Distributor Mobile App goMF available for Android and IoS * * * Use the Connect menu on the top menu bar to lodge a Complaint / Query / Feedback. * * * MPIN / Touch ID based authentication is now enabled on the goMF app. Please update the App to start using this feature.